EDC Waste is a generally recognised data centre, highly appreciated by large consumers such as the Directorate-General for the Environment and producers of reports and assessments such as the EEA and the JRC, and also (sometimes critically) observed by European associations with different interests. Due to the expertise of our experts, we are ready to assist Eurostat with ad hoc enquiries and discussions on data and methodological issues, with the common goal of improving data accessibility, data quality and data usability and related access to supporting documents such as methodologies and other national information.
The background for the project is described in section 2.1.1 of the ToR (for Lot 2) and we fully understand this, without open questions and doubts about content, scope and results.
Client / Project partner
The European Environmental Data Centre was established with the aim of supporting Eurostat in ad hoc enquiries and discussions on data and methodological issues, with the common aim of improving data accessibility, data quality and data usability and related access to supporting documents such as methods and other national information. The project commissioned by EUROSTAT has been carried out continuously since 2008 in cooperation with the Öko-Institut.
Task/ Method
The main objective of the Lot (Lot 2 of section 2.1.1 of the ToR) is to support Eurostat in the implementation, operation and further development of the Waste Environmental Data Centre. This includes, inter alia, management of waste statistics and data from various reporting obligations on waste (e.g. packaging waste, ELV, WEEE, Waste Shipment Regulation, Waste Framework Directive, Batteries and Accumulators Directive) from collection to publication. Implementation of quality assurance and coordination of data and information managed by other bodies (e.g. other EU institutions, international organisations such as the OECD and the United Nations).
Maintenance and updating of the information provided through the website of the Environmental Data Centre. Development of methodological approaches for the production of statistical data, information and indicators on waste generation and waste management, taking into account the life cycle. This includes for example the formulation of research needs for methodological development, data collection and management, calculation of indicators and modelling in close cooperation with Eurostat's EDC partners.