ProSim is a software tool based on MS-Excel with which municipal waste potential can be predicted and quantities can be simulated for recycling/disposal. Prognosis and simulation deliver results at the level of material flows and material groups. As data basis the annually recorded waste quantities, waste compositions, socio-demographic boundary conditions, the net domestic consumption and the useful life of selected materials are required. With the ProSim tool, ready-made scenarios can be applied, free user inputs can be defined for simulation (e.g. collection quotas for substance groups such as recyclables as targets) and their accessibility can be checked. In principle, the entire spectrum of municipal waste streams can be taken into account. The forecast period currently covers twenty years, starting from a selectable starting year.
Client/ Project partner
Berliner Stadtreinigung is a service company of the State of Berlin and is responsible for waste collection, street cleaning and waste treatment. With around 5400 employees, the company is one of Berlin's largest employers and the largest municipal waste disposal company in Germany.
Task/ Method
ProSim was developed in 2014/2015 on behalf of Berliner Stadtreinigung A.ö.R. (BSR) and used by BSR to support waste management planning. For example, the effects of increased separate collection of biowaste can be simulated by setting targets for collection quotas on the material flow of residual waste. The tool is adapted to the current situation of the waste disposal company in annual updates and continuously further developed. ProSim can be adapted quickly and flexibly to the specific requirements of a waste disposal company. This includes material flows, material group catalogues, socio-demographic scenarios as well as customer-specific additions.